By holding a stall at Blacktown Markets, you are agreeing to be aware of the weather related risks associated with holding a stall at an outdoor market and agree not to hold Blacktown Markets responsible, financially or otherwise, for any weather related predictions or outcomes during or before any market day, as the weather is beyond Blacktown Markets’ control.
The following policy applies to all markets and events organised by Keir
The market will only be cancelled on the rare occasion of heavy rain/wind at 5:00am on the morning of the market. Heavy rain/wind is a safety concern for our stallholders and visitors.
Pre booked stallholders will be notified by phone and/or email of any such cancellation.
In all other circumstances the market will be going ahead as per usual.
We will be going ahead in conditions such as:
- Light rain/wind on the day
- Heavy rain/wind the day/night before
- Predicted heavy rain/wind on the day but no occurrence of it
Rain Checks:
If the market is forced to cancel before 8:00am, all stallholders are offered full rain checks.
If the market is forced to cancel between 8:00am and 9:00am, all stallholders are offered half price rain checks.
The market will only be cancelled at the discretion of management. If individual stallholders choose to pack up and leave while the market is still operating they will not be offered a rain check or a refund.
Any ‘no shows’ on the day will not be offered a rain check, a refund and can not transfer their booking to another date.